5 Ways Reduce Stress

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I just recently did a speech at the International Esthetics, Cosmetics, and Spa Conference (IECSC) in Las Vegas, Nevada on the Top Ways to Reduce Stress.  According to Web MD, 75-90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.  Stress is detrimental to health.  I want to cover the following:


  • Stress interferes with our health in a negative way
  • The stressors that move us away from optimum health
  • Top ways to reduce stress; 5 ways reduce stress


Stress is Detrimental to Health


Stress can cause insomnia, high blood pressure, a compromised immune system, poor digestion, relationship problems, emotional well-being imbalances, and more.  Minerals also need to be mentioned because stress can deplete them.  For instance, stress will deplete magnesium, which can interfere with blood sugar regulation and heart function.  Stress mineral patterns can be revealed on a hair analysis for certain individuals, such as a high sodium level.  High sodium is associated with intense stress, which increases the magnesium burn rate.  This will cause a magnesium deficiency.  Also, zinc and other minerals can be depleted from the body due to stress.  Zinc is needed to retain magnesium and potassium within the cells.  Minerals are the spark plugs of life.  They are involved with almost all enzyme reactions in the body.  Hair analysis is an amazing test, which reveals the nutritive minerals and toxic metals.  You can learn more about hair analysis here.  




There are physical, emotional, and environmental stressors that can affect health in a negative way.  Some of these include:


  • Toxic metals and chemicals
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Junk foods
  • Dehydration
  • Poor body image
  • Emotional Issues
  • Financial Hardship
  • and more!


The stressors must be eliminated or reduced, so that the body can go back into balance and heal itself.  The focus needs to be on balancing mind, body, and spirit.  We are not just a bag of bones.  We are spiritual beings.  We have two minds, which include the conscious and unconscious.  The unconscious mind needs to be addressed as well because it can hold on to emotional trauma and negative thoughts that cause addiction.  Meditation is very effective at healing the unconscious mind.  Additionally, there are people who have energy blockages, which need to be cleared, so that health can be restored.


Top Ways To Reduce Stress; 5 Ways Reduce Stress


I do recommend many ways to reduce stress based on my personal experience, consulting with clients around the world, and through research, however I will only include five here:  


  • Meditation.  I feel this is one of the best ways to reduce stress for everyone.  I do believe consistency is the key and it needs to be practiced every day.  I highly recommend you read the book “Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.


  • Spend time in nature.  Go outside in a quiet setting with no distractions.  Be completely present.


  • Sunshine.  Obtain sunshine on a daily basis, which is essential for good health and reduces stress.


  • Listening to music that uplifts your spirit.


  • Foot Reflexology to reduce stress and balance the acupuncture meridians in the body.  Listen to me interview Dwight Byers about Foot Reflexology below:



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Kristen Harper is the Founder of Perfect Health Consulting Services, LLC. Her company provides Hair Mineral Analysis and Increase Your Vitality Programs Worldwide to Balance Body Chemistry Naturally. https://www.perfecthealthconsultingservices.com/